The ShabbatCloud driver leverages cloud-based real-time data for Shabbat information. It allows the Elan system to display current time for any location on Earth without any hardware and no monthly fee! The data is frequently updated based on local settings. The driver has granular settings that can be used to fine tune the times for locally accepted practices.
It also goes beyond the basics by allowing the user to create triggers based on Shabbat times Candle Lighting / Havdalah / Dawn/ Dusk/ Sunrise/ and Sunset events.
NEW – Customer can now delay / advance time triggers from Viewer.
This driver requires ElanOS version 8.6.11
To Download a 30-days free trial, click here. To purchase Add to Order Below.
It has the following data points
- Upcoming Candle Lighting and Havdalah time and date
- Dawn, Sunrise, Sunset and Dusk Times for today
- Hebrew and Gregorian date
- Lyening and Triennial reading list
- Torah Reading
Event Map Triggers
- Sunrise / Sunset / Dawn / Dusk
- Candle Lighting and Havdalah
- chatzotNight – Midnight – Chatzot
- Sunset plus 6 halachic hours
- alotHaShachar – Dawn – Alot haShachar
- Sun is 16.1° below the horizon in the morning
- misheyakir – Earliest talis & tefillin – Misheyakir
- Sun is 11.5° below the horizon in the morning
- misheyakirMachmir – Earliest talis & tefillin – Misheyakir Machmir
- Sun is 10.2° below the horizon in the morning
- dawn – Civil dawn
- Sun is 6° below the horizon in the morning
- sunrise – Sunrise
- Upper edge of the Sun appears over the eastern horizon in the morning (0.833° above horizon)
- sofZmanShma – Latest Shema (Gra)
- Sunrise plus 3 halachic hours, according to the Gra
- sofZmanTfilla – Latest Shacharit (Gra)
- Sunrise plus 4.5 halachic hours, according to the Gra
- chatzot – Midday – Chatzot
- Sunrise plus 6 halachic hours
- minchaGedola – Earliest Mincha – Mincha Gedola
- Sunrise plus 6.5 halachic hours
- minchaKetana – Preferable earliest time to recite Minchah – Mincha Ketana
- Sunrise plus 9.5 halachic hours
- plagHaMincha – Plag haMincha
- Sunrise plus 10.75 halachic hours
- sunset – Sunset
- When the upper edge of the Sun disappears below the horizon (0.833° below horizon)
- dusk – Civil dusk
- Sun is 6° below the horizon in the evening
- tzeit7083deg – Nightfall (3 medium stars) – Tzeit 7.083°
- When 3 medium stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (sun 7.083° below the horizon)
- tzeit85deg – Nightfall (3 small stars) – Tzeit 8.5°
- When 3 small stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (sun 8.5° below the horizon)
- tzeit42min – Nightfall (3 medium stars) – Tzeit 42 minutes
- When 3 medium stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (fixed 42 minutes after sunset)
- tzeit50min – Nightfall (3 small stars) – Tzeit 50 minutes
- When 3 small stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (fixed 50 minutes after sunset)
- tzeit72min – Nightfall (Rabbeinu Tam) – Tzeit 72 minutes
- When 3 small stars are observable in the night sky with the naked eye (fixed 72 minutes after sunset)
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