ATV Driver for TvOS 13

Please use the link below to get our new TvOS 13.0 driver.

This is our updated driver for 12.4.1 – 13.0. 

Known Issues

  1. There is no metadata feedback
  2. The new ATV OS13 has a port hopping algorithm. While we try to do our best to keep up with the port, sometimes an ATV reboot is required. The user will be notified when such a reboot is necessary.

1.  Save Activation Code then Update Driver.

2.  This driver does not require pairing or Home Sharing

3.  Integration note included with step by step instructions. 

Things we have done in this driver. 

Works with the latest releases of ATV 12.4 – 13

Faster Transport

Holding and Clicking now moves much faster

No Pairing required / No Home Sharing required

Works with Multiple ATV’s 

Please use your existing Driver Activation Code.  This driver uses the same code.

As Always we do our best to keep up with the latest Apple changes, but becuase this is not an official driver, we make no guarantee that this will work beyond the verion it is intended for.

Download Here

Also please see this forum post.

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